Bihar Anjuman BANEE Scholarship 2014

Name of the Organisation : Bihar Anjuman’s Educational Empowerment projects (biharanjuman.org)
Type of Announcement : BANEE Scholarship 2014

Home Page : http://www.biharanjuman.org/

BANEE Scholarship Programme :
Preferred areas of studies :
Boys and Girls: Those who have got admitted into any of the following regular full-time courses:
(a) coaching classes for Civil Services Exam at reputed institutes like Hamdard Study Circle or Rau’s;
(b) Diploma level or Graduation level Medical Courses, Engineering Courses in any of the government-owned college anywhere in India;
(c) any level Mass Communications/Journalism (Media) or
(d) M.B.A in any of the IIMs in India, XLRI (Jamshedpur), Indian School of Business (Hyderabad), FMS (Delhi University), Jamnalal Bajaj, Mumbai (JBIMS), S. P. Jain, Mumbai (SPJIMR) Schools of Management, IIT (Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, Management Development Institute, Gurgaon (MDI)
Girls only: all of the above cited in (A) + 11th and 12th grade

Scholarship Amount :
The amount of support varies from Rs. 1,000 to Rs. 2,000 pr month, subject to the bare minimum living expenses required at the location of the institute. Apart from the above, no other amount is paid to the beneficiaries

Mode of payment :
Monthly transfers, in any acceptable form, directly by the contributor to the beneficiary, without any intermediary from the Anjuman.

Eligibility Criteria :
All of the conditions prescribed in (1) above, and
Shall have excellent track record of academic performance.
Shall belong to the economically weaker section of the Muslim community. The Selection Committee shall be free to decide on the income level of the family.
Shall be practicing Muslim with satisfactory Islamic knowledge, bearing good moral character.
Shall have keen interest and zeal to serve the community and the nation.
Shall be domicile of Bihar or Jharkhand, and preferably belong to under privileged and less educated areas.
Shall be interested to actively participate in Anjuman’s anti-dowry campaign and other such campaigns launched from time to time. The male scholarship beneficiary will have to promise that he will not allow dowry to be exchanged in any form, and marry as per Islamic norms only.

Place of Study :
An institution of repute anywhere in India.

Duration of support :
Students preparing for Civil Services examination: Maximum 2 years
Medical and Engineering students: Until completion of the course
Journalism or MBA students – Maximum 2 years

BANEE scholarship will continue as long as the student’s performance meets Anjuman’s expectations.
Students receiving the scholarship are expected to repay the full amount to Bihar Anjuman (within 5 to7 years after employment) to enable recycling of the amount for sustained growth of the scheme. The returned amount never goes back to the donor, in any form.

Selection Committee :
The approval committee consists of the moderators Bihar Anjuman’s Yahoo Group, who base their decisions on recommendation from representatives of the local chapters of Anjuman. In AMU, a committee of 8 professors and 2 students evaluate applications by conducting written tests and interviews (maximum 5 beneficiaries, Rs. 1,200 per month). In Muzaffarpur Institute of Technology (MIT), a committee of students, Bazm-e-Adab, evaluates the applicants (maximum 4 beneficiaries, Rs. 1,500 per month). In Mass Communications Department of Jamia Millia Islamia [jmi.nic.in/OtherInstitut es/MCRC.htm], the Director’s committee selects the most deserving beneficiaries. We would like to have similar committees in every institution – can you help us form one in your college/ university? Write to us, if you can.

BANEE application form :
Online Application Form: Interested and deserving candidates are requested to complete an online application and submit by one click.

Sponsors wanted :
This BANEE scheme works naturally with the wholehearted support of muslim community. As we broaden our base there will be requirement for more and more finances. We hope that all of us will be able to cater to the requirements through support from all affluent Muslims from Bihar and Jharkhand. That’s why Bihar Anjuman is looking for members to donate for this charity work. Insh-Allah, there will be high reward from the Almighty for this noble cause.

By no means shall ye attain righteousness unless ye give (freely) of that which ye love; and whatever ye give, of a truth Allah knoweth it well. [Quran 03:092]

Please pledge your support to our moderators. They will let you know the student’s A/c number where you can transfer the amount. For now, we advise the sponsoring members to transfer the amount directly to the selected candidates. Insha-Allah, we have a plan to register the Anjuman as a charitable trust under the NGO rules. That will enable us to accept contributions at a central account and channelise those contributions in an organized manner.

In case of any problems encountered in filling the application form, write to rahbar@rahbar.info

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