lampcentric.com Noida : MySQL Training

Name Of Training Institute : LAMPCentric (lampcentric.com)
Location of the Institute: Noida
Training Offered : MySQL Training


Training :
LAMP Training Team includes proven experts on all the aspects of LAMP stack. These experts have in depth knowledge & experience of the operations & fine tuning of all the components of LAMP.

Backed by the resounding success of these experts in the corporate training & development field, LAMP Training Team offers & conducts quality training classes linked to Optimization (MySQL with InnoDB), Design, Audits, Migration, Clustering, Higher uptime control, Version upgrades & much more.

These modules in brief are :
Linux tweaking, optimization & management for MySQL (1-3 days)
** Introduction, configuration, installation & administration of Linux
** Patching, hot fixes, package management & Cronjobs
** Basics behind 32 bits ver 64 bits (MySQL binary, H/W, OS)
** File systems & Storage media
** Monitoring & optimization of CPU / IO
** RAID configuration & optimization
** Concurrency of threads, processes & connections
** Detection of issues, debugging & resolutions related to OS & Network

Scalability & high availability of LAMP (2-3 days) :
** Horizontal Vs Vertical scaling & Scale out Vs Scale in
** MySQL cluster technology, Disk clustering & DRBD
** Sharding & application partitioning
** MySQL replication, chaining & slave farming
** Fail over & standby databases
** Load balancing, MySQL proxy & VIP switchover

The load testing & benchmarking of LAMP components (1- day) :
** This includes hardware sizing, planning for capacity & growth

MySQL performance tuning (2-3 days) :
** Use query optimization for performance optimization
** Improve server performance using command line scripts, monitoring tools & multiple environment options comparisons
** Optimizing Schemas (Databases) using multiple techniques
** Lock detection & resolution

MySQL Developer & DBA (2-3 days) :
** Introduction to MySQL & basics of 32 bits Vs 64 bits
** Install & upgrade MySQL for common OSs like Linux
** Perform start & shutdown operations
** Configure server options
** Usage of the administrator GUI to manage the MySQL server
** Evaluation of data types & character sets for performance issues
** Study of data locking concepts & different levels of locking
** Usage of security protocols to maintain integrity of MySQL installation
** Comparative study of available storage engines
** Perform Administration tasks using triggers & stored procedures
** Manage & understand Views, Connectors & Partitioning

Apache configuration, management & optimization for MySQL (1 day) :
** Basics of 32 bits Vs 64 bits with introduction to Apache, PHP, HTTP
** Installation & configuration options from command line and GUI
** Apache modules & optimization for MySQL server
** Tutorial on Apache web server configuration
** Content management on Apache server Caching & Proxying with Apache

PHP code optimization, best practices & framework for MySQL (1 day) :
** Web-based application design overview
** Installation, configuration & logging with PHP 5.3
** PHP 5 advantages with advanced features & building applications with precise flow
** Include files ease code maintenance
** MySQL based design schemas
** Write composite queries & extract data from multiple tables using JOINs & subqueries
** Authenticate users securely against a database
** Handle errors gracefully & efficiently in PHP applications
** Usage of Group by clauses & aggregate functions
** Efficient usage of indexing to manage large amounts of data
** Building a complete application including authentication & session management
** Writing applications with scalable components to meet increased demand
** Learn how Apache web server, MySQL & PHP work together to deliver dynamic web content

Contact Us :
APYL Software & Systems Ltd.
D-111, Sector 63
NOIDA – 201 301 (U.P.)

Categories: Training Institute
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