Netexperts India Educational Services New Delhi : Industrial Training

Name Of The Training Institute : Netexperts India Educational Services ( )
Location Of The Training Institute : Delhi
Training Offered : Industrial Training

Website :

6 Months Industrial Training :
Overview :
Netexperts India Training program designed to provide real world network knowledge. Netexperts India is one of the state of the art training institutes in New Delhi, India owned by ccie instructors which provides Boot camp training in New Delhi, India for Cisco, Microsoft, Checkpoint, Redhat, and Ec-Council Boot Camp Training New Delhi India. These are topics covers in Industrial training program. Includes all network technologies which are going to be use in live networks.
Course Outlines (150 Hours Program) :
Networking Fundamentals:
1. Introduction of Networking
2. Cable design
3. Type of Topology
4. IP addressing , Subneting ,VLSM
5. Peer to peer networking
6. Resource sharing with security
7. Resource access
8. Active directory configuration
9. User profile management
10. DNS configuration
11. DHCP Configuration
12. Web Server Configuration.
13. FTP Server Configuration.
14 OSI layers

Connectivity :
1. Layer 2 Protocols
2. Switch configuration
3. Layer 3 technologies
4. Router Initial Configuration
5. Layer 3 protocols
6. Wan technologies
7. PPP and Frame-Relay Configuration
8. Wireless Technologies
9. Wireless Configuration

Network Security :
1. Layer 2 IOS Security
2. Layer 3 IOS Security
3. Server based Security
4. Proxy Server Configuration
5. Multilayer security
6. Firewall services

Ethical hacking :
1. Introduction to Ethical Hacking
2. Footprinting and Reconnaissance
3. Network information attacks.
** Network port status information
** Network protocols information
** Security protocol information
4. Access attacks.
** Password attacks
** Session hijacking attacks
** Man-in-middle attacks
** IP spoofing
** Mac spoofing
5. Mitigates from attacks.
** Cyber law
** Case study
6. Trojans and Backdoors
7. Viruses and Worms
8. Hacking Wireless Networks
9. Introduction to Ethical Hacking


Address Of The Training Institute :
Netexperts India Educational Services
702, Somdatt Chambers–II 9, Bhikaiji Cama Place,
Near Hyatt Regency Hotel
New Delhi – 110066

Categories: Training Institute
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