How to apply for Essentiality Certificate ‘B’ for Medical Reimbursement?

                                                              Essentiality Certificate ‘B
Under Central Service (Medical Attendance)Rules
(To be completed in the case of patients who are admitted to hospital for treatment)
Certificate granted to Mrs./Mrs./Miss.____________________________wife/son/daughter of Mr._______________________employed in the _______________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ ______________________.

I, Dr.____________________________________________hereby certify ______ _________________________

(a) that the patient was admitted to hospital on the advice of _________________________(name of the Medical Officer)/on my advice :

(b) that the patient has been under treatment at___________________________and that the under mentioned medicines prescribed by me in this connection were essential for the recovery/prevention of serious deterioration in the condition of the patient. The medicines are not stocked in the ___________________________(name of the hospital) for supply to private patients and do no include proprietary preparations for which cheaper substances of equal therapeutic value are available nor preparation which are primarily foods, toilets or disinfectants :

Names of medicines                                              Price
1. ____________________________ ________________________
2. ___________________________ ________________________
3. ___________________________ ________________________
4. ___________________________ _______________________

(c) that the injections administered were/were not for immunizing or prophylactic purposes :

(d) that the patient is/was suffering from _____________________and is/was under treatment from __________ to ________ ;

(e) that the X-ray, laboratory test etc., for which an expenditure of Rs._____________________________was incurred was necessary and were undertaken on my advice at_____________________________(name of the hospital or laboratory);

(f) that I called on Dr.__________________for Specialist consultation and that the necessary approval of the _________________)Name of the Chief Administrative Medical Officer of the State) as required under the rules, was obtained.

I certify that the patient has been under treatment at the ______________hospital and that the service of the special nurses for which an expenditure of Rs. _______was incurred, vide bills and receipts attached, were essential for the recovery/prevention of serious deterioration in the condition of the patient.

Signature and Designation of the Medical Officer in charge of the case at the hospital

Medical Superintendent

*I certify that the patient has been under treatment at the ____________________ hospital and that the facilities provided were the minimum which were essential for the patient’s treatment.

Medical Superintendent

Place :

Note :-
Certificates not applicable should be struck off. Certificate (d) is compulsory and must be filled in by the Medical Officer in all cases.

*The ‘minimum facilities certificate’ may be signed either by the Medical Superintendent of the Hospital concerned or another Gazetted Medical Officer who has been authorized in this behalf by the Medical Superintendent.

Download Application Form Here :  https://www.indianjobtalks.in/uploads/12305-Form%20of%20Essentiality%20Certificate%20B.pdf

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