West Bengal State University Sample Question Paper : BA Part III Examination

Name of the Organisation : West Bengal State University (wbsubregistration.org)
Type of Announcement : Sample Question Paper

Sample Question Paper English : https://www.indianjobtalks.in/uploads/11592-English%20Sample%20Question%20Paper.pdf
Home Page :wbsubregistration.org/index.php

Full Marks: 100
Examination Time: 4 hours.

Answers that are to the point, precise and clear will be given special credit. Spelling and grammatical errors are liable to be penalised.

1. Attempt any four of the following questions: 5×4 = 20
(a) Comment on the significance of the publication of the Lyrical Ballads.
(b) How did =doubt‘ affect the poets of the Victorian age? Refer to poets and their poems.
(c) What did Coleridge mean by the term =secondary imagination‘?
(d) What kind of poetry was written by Ellis, Currer and Acton Bell?
(e) Name two poets of the First World War and the significance of their work.
(f) Explain what is meant by the Symbolist Movement in Literature.

2. Answer any one of the following: 10×1= 10
(a) Trace the changes in Wordsworth‘s relationship to Nature as recorded in =Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey‘.
(b) Consider Coleridge‘s use of the supernatural in =Kubla Khan‘ or =Christabel –Part I.
(c) What is an Ode? Analyse =Ode to the West Wind‘, =To a Skylark‘ or =To Autumn‘ as examples of the Romantic adaptation of the classical Ode.

3. Answer any two of the following: 5×2= 10
(a) Comment on Wordsworth‘s feelings on the death of Lucy.
(b) Describe, after the poet P.B. Shelley, the statue of Ozymandias.
(c) Explain the use of images in the following lines:
?Before my pen has glean’d my teeming brain, Before high-piled books, in charactery, Hold like rich garners the full ripen’d grain;?
(d) Explain the context in the following lines:
If I should meet thee After long years, How should I greet thee? With silence and tears.?

4. Answer any one of the following: 10×1= 10
(a) Comment on Tennyson‘s attitude to life in =Ulysses‘.
(b) How do the poems of Matthew Arnold express his response to the Victorian Age? Answer with reference to either =To Marguerite‘ or =Dover Beach‘.
(c) Do the monologues of Browning engage with the realities of the Victorian age? Answer with reference to ?Fra Lippo Lippi? or ?Andrea del Sarto?.

5. Answer any two of the following: 5×2= 10
(a) Explain the phrase ?ignorant armies clash by night?.
(b) Write briefly on the real life figures of Fra Lippo Lippi or Andrea Del Sarto.
(c) Explain the significance: ?Out flew the web and floated wide?.
(d) ?I nibbled here and there At this or that box, pulling through the gap?. Explain with reference to the context.

6. Answer any one of the following: 10×1= 10
(a) Indicate two characteristics of modernism that you have identified in ?The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock? or ?Journey of the Magi?.
(b) Comment on the theme of Seamus Heaney‘s poem ?Digging?.
(c) Discuss Owen‘s ?Dulce et Decorum Est? as a critique of patriotism.

7. Answer any three of the following: 5×3= 15
(a) Explain: ?Come from the holy fire, perne in as gyre And be the singing masters of my soul?.
(b) Why is the church ?A serious house on serious earth?
(c) ?He was my North, my South, my East and West, My working week and Sunday rest? Annotate and explain the context.
(d) Explain the significance of the expression ?Thought Fox?.
(e) ?Just the worst time of the year For a journey, and such a long journey:? Whose journey is it? Explain the nature of the journey.

8. Answer any five of the following: 3×5=15
(a) What are the characteristics that make Lucy =Nature‘s child‘?
(b) What or where is Xanadu?
(c) Where is Byzantium? What does it represent?
(d) What is the poet referring to in the phrase ?Bacchus and his pards?
(e) Who is Michaelangelo? Why do the ladies talk of him?
(f) How does Eliot describe the evening in ?The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock?
(g) Comment on two images of pity in Owen‘s poem ?Dulce et Decorum Est?.
(h) Is Keats‘s poem ?When I have fears…? a Petrarchan sonnet? Explain.


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